Please note: all repertoire is subject to change.
- Mozart - first movement of Concerto No. 3, 4, or 5 with cadenza.
All First Violin Parts
- Strauss - Don Juan, page 1
- Schubert - Symphony No. 2 in B flat, 1st movement, Allegro Vivace to letter C
- Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, 3rd movement, m. 99-114
- An Allegro movement of a concerto or sonata
- Strauss - Don Juan, lst page
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 5, slow movement
- Brahms - Symphony No. 4, 4th movement, B-D (meaures 41-80)
- Possible Sight Reading
- Haydn Cello Concerto No 2 in D Major - 1st movement (no cadenza)
- Mozart - Symphony No. 35, 4th movement
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 5, 2nd movement
- Strauss - Ein Heldenleben, 1st page
- Possible Sight Reading
Solo of your choice
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 5, 2nd & 3rd movements (Scherzo and Trio)
- Mozart - Symphony No. 35, 1st movement (1st page only)
- Strauss - Ein Heldenleben, No. 9 to No. 11
- Brahms - Symphony No. 2, 1st movement (Letter E)
- Possible Sight Reading
- Berlioz - Symphonie fantastique (harp 1)
- Mvt. II, measures 1-206
- Bartok - Concerto for Orchestra (harp 1)
- Mvt I. Introduzione – measures 155-198
- Mvt IV. Intermezzo – measures 42-59
- Mvt V. Finale – measures 344-356
- Rimsky-Korsakov - Capriccio Espagnol (Cadenza)
- Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker (Cadenza)
- Possible Sight Reading
2nd flute excerpts
- Ravel Mother Goose Suite: Mvt 1 - m. 1-8
- Ravel Daphnis & Chloe Suite No. 2 [155] to [156] & [179] to [182]
- Prokofiev Classical Symphony Mvts 2 + 4, complete
- Bartok Concerto for Orchestra Mvt 2 [60] to 3 after [83]; [198] to [212]
- Mendelssohn Italian Symphony Mvt 2 m. 1-35; Mvt 4 m. 1-34
PICCOLO (Optional)
- Ravel Mother Goose Mvt 2 reh 7-8 and Mvt 3 reh 1 to 5 after reh 3
- Rossini Semiramide G-H (m. 132-143), 8 before L-L (m. 187-195), T-U (m. 320-337)
- Stravinsky Firebird: Variation and Ronde des princesses (reh 14 for 3 bars)
- Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4: Mvt 3 m. 162-170; m. 194-203
- Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade: Mvt 4 letter V to Piu Stretto (12 measures)
- Rossini - Overture to the "Silken Ladder" (lst oboe)
- Brahms - Symphony No. l, 1st & 2nd movement (1st oboe)
- Dvořák - Symphony No. 7 in d, 2nd movement (2nd oboe)
- Brahms - Violin Concerto, 2nd movement (1st oboe)
- Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 21, 2nd movement (2nd oboe)
- Possible Sight Reading
- Berlioz - "Roman Carnival" Overture
- Dvořák - Symphony No. 9 (New World)
- Possible Sight Reading
Encouraged to audition on Eb and bass clarinet as well as Bb, because many of the subbing opportunities involve these instruments.
All First Clarinet Parts
- Mendelssohn - Scherzo from "Midsummer Nights Dream"
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 6 (1st, 2nd, & 3rd movement solos)
- Mozart - Concerto in A, K. 622, Exposition, 1st movement
- Rimsky-Korsakov - Capriccio Espagnol, 1st, 3rd, & 4th movement solos
- Brahms - Symphony No. 3, 1st movement solos
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 8 (Trio)
If you wish to be heard on Eb clarinet, you must also play Section I, plus -
- Strauss - Till Eulenspiegel
- Ravel - Boléro (solo)
If you wish to be heard on Bass Clarinet, you must also play Section I, plus -
- Strauss - Don Quixote
- Grofe - On the Trail
- Stravinsky - Rite of Spring
- Possible Sight Reading
Please list major and secondary instrument in both sax and woodwind.
Soprano, alto, tenor
- Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition (alto)
- Prokofiev - Lt. Kije Suite (tenor)
- Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet, 2nd Suite (tenor)
- Ravel - Boléro (soprano, tenor)
- Possible Sight Reading
- Sight Reading covering three (3) styles - jazz, popular, big band
If you wish to audition for Flute Double:
- Bizet - Carmen: Intermezzo
- Mozart - Concerto, 1st movement, exposition
- Ravel - Boléro
- Brahms - Violin Concerto - 2nd movement, opening- bassoon 2
- Berlioz - Symphony Fantastique, 4th movement (52 to 53); 5th movement (8 after 63 through 4th of 64) - bassoon 2/4
- Mozart - Marriage of Figaro Overture- m. 101 through downbeat of m. 123; m. 139 through downbeat of m. 171- bassoon 1
- Possible Sight Reading
If you wish to be heard on Contra-bassoon you must also audition on Bassoon.
- Ravel - Mother Goose, 4th movement, Rehearsal 2 - downbeat of rehearsal 5
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 5, 4th movement, m. 374 - second ending 464, m. 611 - 646
- Brahms - Symphony No. 3 - Mvt 1, m. 113 - 120
- Brahms - Symphony No. 3 - Mvt 4, pickup to rehearsal M to m.247
- Possible Sight Reading
Horn Excerpts (All Horn 1 unless indicated):
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, Scherzo mm 171 to 205 (Horn 2)
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 6, Scherzo mm 132 to 161
- Brahms: Symphony No. 3, mvt 3, pickup to mm 99 to 110
- Mahler: Symphony No. 1, mvt 3, 4 bars after rehearsal 13 to 1 bar before 15 (Horn 2)
- Mahler: Symphony No. 3, mvt 1, pickup to rehearsal 29 to rehearsal 31
- Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5, mvt 1, 3 bars after rehearsal 17 to rehearsal 21
- Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel, 13 bars before rehearsal 29 to rehearsal 32 (Horn 3)
Solo Repertoire:
- Haydn - Trumpet Concerto, 1st movement, Exposition
Orchestra Repertoire:
1st Trumpet
- Beethoven - Leonore Overture No. 3 Offstage Solo
- Mussorgsky/Ravel - Pictures at an Exhibition Opening Promenade
- Resphigi - Pines of Rome Offstage Solo
- Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade, 4th movement: C-E, Q-R, T-U
- Stravinsky - Petrouchka (1947) Ballerina Dance
2nd Trumpet
- Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4, 1st movement (opening fanfare)
- Schumann - Symphony No. 2, 1st movement (opening)
- Possible Sight Reading
- Berlioz - Hungarian March
- Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
- Rossini - La Gazza Ladra
- Mozart - Tuba Mirum
- Ravel - Boléro
- Possible sight-reading
- Berlioz - Hungarian March
- Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (both minor and major)
- Haydn - Creation, Movement 26, beginning to measure 25
- Strauss - Ein Heldenleben, Battle scene
- Wagner - Das Rheingold (4th trombone) Scene 2, measures 36-58
- Possible sight-reading
- Vaughn-Williams - Concerto, 2nd movement, 1st page
- Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique, 4th & 5th movements
- Mahler - Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement
- Prokofiev - Symphony No. 5
- Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
- Wagner - Overture to "Die Meistersinger" (solo)
- Possible sight-reading
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 1
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 5
- Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphosis
- Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4
- Bartok - Music for Strings Percussion and Celeste
Snare Drum
- Delécluse – Etude No. 9 from Douze Études mm. 1–24
- Prokofiev – Suite from Lieutenant Kijé I. [1]–[2]
- Rimsky-Korsakov – Capriccio Espagnol III. beg.–[K], IV. beg.–11 after [L]
- Gershwin – Porgy and Bess mm. 4-18
- Shostakovich – Polka [45]–1 after [46]
- Mozart – The Magic Flute Act 1, No. 8
- Dvorak – Carnival Overture beg.–[C]
- Dvorak – Slavonic Dance No. 2, op. 72 [B]–[C]
- Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 4 IV. 16 after [H]–end
Bass Drum
- Britten – Billy Budd Act III, Scene 4, [20]–1 after [22]
Sight Reading
- Sight reading may be asked on any instrument.
- Candidates will be required to use the provided xylophone, glockenspiel, bass drum, snare drum, andcymbals. Candidates may NOT bring their own snare drum or cymbals. Various Zildjian/Sabian cymbals and Pearl Philharmonic snare drums will be available to use. Candidates are welcome to bring their own tambourines, triangles, sticks, and mallets.
- Copland - Appalachian Spring
* #6 to #14 - Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances, movement 1
* #14 to 3 before #17 - Shostakovich - Symphony no. 1, movement 2
* 2 before #18 to 3 after #22 - Stravinsky - Petrouchka (1947)
* #64 to #81 - Stravinsky - Symphony in Three Movements, movement 1
* 1 after #7 to #13
* pick up to #39 to #48
- Bartok - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, movement 3
* m. 34 to m. 41 - Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker
* Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Complete
- Ray Noble - Cherokee
- Dave Brubeck - It's A Raggy Waltz
- Clifford Brown - Joy Spring
- Miles Davis - Seven Steps to Heaven
- Monk - 'Round Midnight
- Duke - Prelude to a Kiss - Mercy-Mercy
- Bernstein - The Mambo
- W. C. Handy/arr. Chase - San Luis Samba
- Possible Sight Reading