Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
We’re Building a More Inclusive MSO
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Our journey will be guided in part by our values to be Welcoming, Courageous, and Trustworthy.
We believe in a Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra that reflects the diversity of where we work and live and that invites all people in, treating them equitably. To achieve this, we will work to transform our organizational culture, activities, and engagement through our EDI work in four key areas including Our Music and Performance; Our Audiences and Community Relationships; Our Venue and Patron Experience, and Our Staff & Board Policies and Practices.
We embrace this time as a new era for the MSO. With an outstanding orchestra and chorus, a new artistic leader, a new home, and a grounding in our commitment to Milwaukee and to orchestra music lovers everywhere – we invite you to share in our new possibilities.