Student Vip
Want the most budget-friendly way to see the MSO? Get the student VIP card.
For the low, low price of just $60, you get:
- Admission for one to MSO Classics and Pops series performances and MSO Film with Orchestra performances in an orchestra section seat*
- 20% off purchases to special performances and additional tickets
Use the card as often as you’d like. Valid for the entire season in which it is purchased, it’s the best deal for orchestra tickets. Ever.
*VIP card excludes Special Presentations, Co-Promotions, Bradley Symphony Center Presents performances, and one-night only performances. One card per student. Proof of school enrollment is required at time of initial purchase. The Student VIP Card is season-specific. It is valid for the season in which it is purchased. Benefits expire at the end of the MSO season in which the card is purchased.
Student VIP cards will be available for purchase beginning September 9, 2024. Purchase your card in person at the MSO Box Office:
212 W Wisconsin Ave
Mon-Fri, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sat, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
90 minutes before all MSO performances
Once you have your VIP card, you can redeem it for tickets by presenting the card and a photo ID at the Bradley Symphony Center Box Office, up to 7 days prior to the performance you wish to attend.