Board of Directors
chair's council
past chairs
+ Susan Martin, Chair
WEC Energy Group (Retired)
David Uihlein, Honorary Co-Chair
Uihlein/Wilson Architects (Retired)
Julia Uihlein, Honorary Co-Chair
Medical College of Wisconsin (Retired)
+ Gregory Smith, Secretary; Chair, Governance Committee
Church Mutual Insurance; UWM Lubar College of Business, Executive-in-Residence
+ Patrick Murphy, Treasurer; Chair, Finance Committee
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
+ Mark Niehaus, President & Executive Director (Ex Officio); Michael and Jeanne Schmitz Chair
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
+ Denotes Executive Committee Members
Daniel Byrne
BMO Harris Bank
Jeff Costakos
Foley & Lardner LLP (Retired Partner)
+ Jennifer Dirks
+ Douglas M. Hagerman, Chair, Chair's Council
Rockwell Automation (Retired)
Steve Hancock, Chair, Education Committee
University School of Milwaukee
Renee Herzing
Herzing University
+ Eric E. Hobbs
Ogletree Deakins
Alyce Coyne Katayama
Quarles (Retired Partner)
Peter Mahler, Chair, Grand Future Committee
Mahler Enterprises, Inc.
Ken-David Masur (Ex Officio); Polly and Bill Van Dyke Music Director Chair
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
+ Mark A. Metzendorf, Chair, Advancement Committee
FIS Global (Retired)
+ Christian Mitchell
Cetera Financial Group
Teresa Mogensen
Robert B. Monnat
Mandel Group, Inc.
Leslie Plamann, Chair, Audit Committee
Ernst & Young LLP
+ Michael J. Schmitz, Immediate Past Chair, Chair’s Council
Civic Leader, Executive Vice President U.S. Bank (Retired)
Craig A. Schmutzer
Westbury Bank
Jay E. Schwister, Chair, Retirement Plan Committee
Robert W. Baird & Company, Incorporated
Dale R. Smith
U.S. Bank, Executive Vice President (Retired)
+ Pam Stampen
Church Mutual Insurance Company S.I.
+ Haruki Toyama, Chair, Artistic Direction Committee
Madison Investments
Herb Zien, Chair, Facilities Management Committee
LiquidCool Solutions, Inc.
designated DIRECTORS
Sachin Chheda
Forward Printing, LLC
Theodore Perlick Molinari
Perlick Corporation
Pegge Sytkowski, Chair, Marketing and Advocacy Committee
Milwaukee Public Museum
Fiesha Lynn Bell
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Rene Izquierdo
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Garren Randolph
Randolph Strategies LLC
Niko Ruud
State of Wisconsin
+ Robert Klieger, Chair, Players' Council
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Ilana Setapen, Player-at-Large
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Bruce Laning, Trustee Chairman
Amy Croen
Steven Etzel
Douglas M. Hagerman
Bartholomew Reuter
David Uihlein
chair's council
Douglas M. Hagerman, Chair | Barbara Hunt | Joan Steele Stein |
Chris Abele | Leon Janssen | Linda Tojek |
Laura J. Arnow | Judy Jorgensen | Joan R. Urdan |
Richard S. Bibler | James A. Kasch | Larry Waters |
Charles Boyle | Lee Walther Kordus | Kathleen A. Wilson |
Roberta Caraway | Michael J. Koss | |
Judy Christl | JoAnne Krause | |
Mary E. Connelly | Martin J. Krebs | |
Donn R. Dresselhuys | Keith Mardak | |
Eileen Dubner | Andy Nunemaker | |
Franklyn Esenberg | James G. Rasche | |
Marta P. Haas | Stephen E. Richman | |
Jean Holmburg | Michael J. Schmitz, Immediate Past Chair |
Andy Nunemaker (2014-2020) | Michael J. Schmitz (1990-1993) | Laflin C. Jones* (1974-1976) |
Douglas M. Hagerman (2011-2014) | Orren J. Bradley* (1988-1990) | Robert S. Zigman* (1972-1974) |
Chris Abele (2004-2011) | Russell W. Britt* (1986-1988) | Charles A. Krause* (1970-1972) |
Judy Jorgensen (2002-2004) | James H. Keyes (1984-1986) | Donald B. Abert* (1968-1970) |
Stephen E. Richman (2000-2002) | Richard S. Bibler (1982-1984) | Erhard H. Buettner* (1966-1968) |
Stanton J. Bluestone* (1998-2000) | John K. MacIver* (1980-1982) | Clifford Randall* (1964-1966) |
Allen N. Rieselbach* (1995-1998) | Donn R. Dresselhuys (1978-1980) | John Ogden* (1962-1964) |
Edwin P. Wiley* (1993-1995) | Harrold J. McComas* (1976-1978) | Stanley Williams* (1959-1962) |
* deceased