Rudi Heinrich

Assistant Principal


Rudi Heinrich is proud to be a member of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, joining the orchestra in 2013. Previously, Rudi served as Principal Bassoon in the Des Moines Metro Opera Orchestra for 10 seasons, Assistant Principal Bassoon in the Alabama Symphony for 5 seasons, and 2nd Bassoon in the Louisiana Philharmonic for 2 seasons. He has also appeared with the Cincinnati Symphony, Indianapolis Symphony, Grant Park Orchestra, Louisville Orchestra, and New World Symphony. In addition, Rudi has been adjunct faculty at University of New Orleans and Montevallo University.

Rudi Heinrich grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he first started playing music in the public school music program. Rudi completed his senior year of high school at the Interlochen Arts Academy, and then earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan where he studied with Richard Beene. He went on to work with William Winstead at the University of Cincinnati, where he received his Master’s degree.

Rudi Heinrich is happily married to his wife, Meaghan, and has two amazing kids, Paul and Margie. When not wrestling with reeds or playing with the kids, Rudi enjoys growing curious facial hair, dabbling in other unwieldy instruments, and rooting for the Wolverines.